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Cakes, Locas, Nougats, and other sweets - Bakery and confectionery - Sabor a Málaga

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Cakes, Locas, Nougats, and other sweets - Bakery and confectionery

Cakes, Locas, Nougats, and other sweets

Malaga is a province of sugary flavors. It is a land of rich and diverse pastries. With a taste for traditional sweets made from unique and own recipes. Each region and its different municipalities hide unique products that have become popular throughout the country. The Malaga cake is one of the products that can be enjoyed in the most varieties. From the Algarrobo cakes to the Vélez cakes, each one typical of a locality and with a different flavor and appearance. Both the Algarrobo cakes and the Vélez cake, together with the Ramos cakes, are included in those known as Malaga oil cakes, crunchy sweets made with a base of olive oil. In Cómpeta, located in the heart of Axarquía, you can also enjoy all these varieties of delicious sweets.

Algarrobo cakes look like large cookies and have a caramelized flavor, while Ramos cakes are thin and slightly larger in size. For their part, the cakes from Vélez-Málaga are larger and usually have an almond layer that covers them on top. The crazy cakes of Malaga The crazy ones are another of the varieties of Malaga cakes. Peculiars. Big. Tasty. They are made up of two layers of puff pastry, one on top and one on the bottom. Inside they have pastry cream and, on the surface, a coating based on egg yolk glaze and a cherry. A delight for the senses that will literally drive your palate crazy when you take a bite.

Other sweets from Malaga

In Malaga, each period of the year is accompanied by some seasonal sweets. During Holy Week, the consumption of roscos, borachuelos, pestiños and torrijas is common. On the other hand, mantecados and Polvorones are traditions during the Christmas months. The town of Antequera is one of the most important production centers of this sweet in our country.

Malaga nougat is another sweet that is linked to Christmas. The main confectioneries in the province are innovating with this sweet and proposing new flavors based on the synergies of flavors with different products from the region. On the other hand, there are other sweets that can be enjoyed all year round such as wine roscos (whitish-looking donuts made with wine and covered in icing sugar), Malaga oil buns (round, square or triangular in shape, but always with a spongy texture), fig bread or Ronda peritos.

Did you know...

You can find more than five varieties of cakes in Malaga.


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