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Guided routes and visits

Guided routes and visits

The province of Malaga has a myriad of  suggestions that allow us to enjoy the unique  landscapes, the monuments that relate the passage of time, the history and the culture of great civilizations as well as the legacy of traditions that can be discerned in every corner of our  103 towns. Little pieces of our land that form a map of wealth of both our wonderful people and our fields and our sea. A living land, latent and eager to continue promulgating its appetitizing colors and flavors in every season. 

We, thus, come to cross the paths, rivers and trails that lead us to visit special and idyllic places starting from an old farmhouse housed a modest oil mill where the closest neigbours milled the olive crops, passing through wineries that were born out of love for the local tradition to make wine for family consumption and coming to these small cheese shops, sausage shops and bakeries and confectioneries, among  many others, which describe  a rich landscape that is drawn in a thousand ways and for all tastes.

Hereunder, we encourage you to enjoy and taste the province through different routes and guided visits that will make you to know the authentic Taste of Malaga.  



Malaga is consideres the fifth Spanish province in respect of the volume of olive oil production allocating over 141.400 hectares for the cultivation.  Malaga´s olive grove produces extraordinary EVOOs where very different factors such as indigeneous varieties, climate, environmental values and meticulousness in the transformation processes come together.

Get to know everything you wanted to know about Malaga´s olive grove under the guide of our oil mills, cooperatives and olive-growing families. Explore green landscapes, histories, traditions as well as oil´s value in our quisine, gastronomy and Mediterranean balanced diet. 


Wine tourism

Thanks to wine tourism, in recent years we have discovered the wine richness of the various counties of the province of Malaga, as different and unique as the wines produces in them. Counties that offer us a beautiful landscape of vineyards on steep and sunny slopes, but at the same time majestic vines clinging to a particular cold zones and inland areas where the temperature allows them to grow bravely. 

We suggest you the wineries that will make you discover the unique vineyards, best wines and that will offer you degustations, pairings and gastronomic experiences, so you can continue to get know our Malaga flavors. 

ruta de la pasa

Raisin Route

Crossing the  Axarquia county, we find the Raisin Route.This region is  known for the raisin production and gives us the opportunity to explore the picturesce landscapes, charming villages and get to know the bandits legends.

The Raisin Route  allows to discover the history and the process of artisan elaboration of the best raisin in the world and get to know the famous sweet muscatel and the towns that cover it such as the town of Totalan, Comares, Cutar, El Borge, Almáchar and Moclinejo.

ruta tomate huevo de toro

Bull's EggTomato Route 

Discover a gastronomic and agrotouristic experience about the star product of summer, Bull's Egg tomato, under the guide of different family tradition gardens located in the Valle del Guadalhorce.

The Bull's Egg tomato is one of the most delicious varieties of tomatoes but at the same time the most expensive, being the golden product of the garden of Guadalhorce. Therefore, this tomato jewel needs lots of sunlight during a day and constant irrigation and important dedication of the farmers; that is reflected in its delicious flavor. 

This exquisite big-sized and heart-shaped tomato is grown outdoors. This fruit is very juicy and tasty due to its soft and sweet texture and also healthy giving a high nutriotal value.

Those who come to this region of the Valle del Guadalhorce, will be able to taste this peculiar product in different dishes since there are many gastronomic options the bars and the restaurants of the region offer us having a protagonist the delicious Bull's egg tomato. 

Below, we provide some places and companies that grow this jewel of the garden and will introduce you to the richness of the Bull's Egg tomato: 

Gastronomic Routes

Las rutas gastronómicas ofrecen una forma única de descubrir la historia y tradiciones culinarias de un pueblo, permitiéndote explorar los lugares y secretos detrás de las recetas locales transmitidas de generación en generación.

Aquí ofrecemos un listado de rutas de experiencias que combinan visitas turísticas con paradas culinarias en los mejores restaurantes, brindándote la oportunidad de disfrutar de sabores auténticos y conocer la ciudad desde una perspectiva diferente.

Of Tourist Interest

Malaga, located in the south of Spain, frames its beauty between the mountains and the blue Mediterranean. Our city is considered a leading tourist destination of Andalusia at national level.  

Discover the province´s best gastronomic experiences and routes of tourist interest and of cultural heritage. Besides, Sabor a Málaga, will make you to get to know the history and traditions of the most emblematic places and we will taste the most delicious and famous products of our counties.

Gran senda de Málaga

Sabor a Málaga in the Great Path

The Great Path of Malaga is a route that goes around the central part of the province of  Malaga. It is a circuit of 942 kms, compound of 35 stages and six variants passing through nine counties, 54 town centers and 61 municipalities.

It is a route of Grand Tour (GT-249) connected with the paths of the province that connects us with the Mozarabe St. James´ Way, with the Serranía de Ronda, with the Malaga´s Campiña, the Sierra de las Nieves, the Valley of the Guadalhorce, the Axarquía, the Camino Geológico malacitano and with the Coatal Path; all of them are the most emblematic places of the province.

At the same time, this route forms part the national and European trail networkand connects us with the European Grand Tour, a way to feel connected with the world without leaving Malaga territory.

Walk this path is an experience that astonishes the nature lovers and makes those who are not start to love it. This geographic route passes by nine natural places and two natural reserves that conserve their flora, fauna, geomorphological constitution or other essences of huge gelogical richness.  In addittion, passing through the Oriental Costa del Sol with warm and  pleasant climate seduces all travellers who go through the Malaga Grand Tour.

For great adventurers, this route invites you to take exciting excursions in the Mediterranean nature such as canyoning, climbing or mountain biking, via ferrata, or water activities, such as rafting or canoeing.

On the other side, the culture lovers will have the opportunity to discover the traditions or historical, arquitectural and aesthetic heritage of this land of Andalusian flavor and cosmopolitan aroma.

This route offers to enjoy the different points of tourist interest such as museums or cultural places, restaurant and hospitality establishments where you can taste different typical dishes or authentic flavors of each town or various informative tourist activities or leisure including  spas, wineries and golf courses among others.

Based on the above, on this trip you will discover the potential that lives inside you, an emotional experience and personal growth that connects the body, mind and spirituality with nature, creating a magical environment.

That is why the Grand Tour makes you to have an intense and unforgettable experience inviting the tourists to enjoy our Malaga territory. 

Sabor a Málaga in the Coastal Path

From Manilva to Nerja, the Malaga Coastal Path is a project that seeks to enable a route of approximately 180 kilometers, connecting existing boardwalks, lanes and trails, and building new ones, in coordination with other competent institutions.
