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Cookies policy - Sabor a Málaga

This web page uses its own cookies and the third-party cookies to collect the information which help us make the service as good as possible. By no means is our intention to use it for gathering personal data.

More information Cookies policy

Cookies policy

Cookies policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that are installed on devices when visiting web pages. They are used to perform certain functions that improve the user experience and allow for more useful navigation.

What types of cookies does this website use?

This website uses the following types:

  • Technical cookies. They are used to maintain the session in restricted access areas that require authentication via username and password or digital certificate. If cookies are disabled, these sections cannot be accessed. Once the session is over, they can be deleted without any problem.
  • Personalization cookies. They are used so that the browser can remember preferences on a specific device, such as the browsing language or preferred options. If cookies are disabled, preferences will need to be configured on each visit to the website.
  • Analysis cookies. They are used to measure and analyze user navigation with the idea of improving the content and services provided. No personal information of the user is obtained, only anonymous information such as the number of users, number of pages visited, frequency and repetition of visits, duration, browser used, operator, navigation language, or the IP address of the originating device. This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service developed by Google. If cookies are disabled, no statistical analysis will be performed but the website will function correctly.

None of the above cookies store information that allows the identification of the user, such as names, surnames, or email or postal addresses, nor are they used to obtain or access any type of personal information of the user.

What cookies are used on this site?

Cookie name: ASPSESSIONID*

  • Created by: Turismo y Planificación Costa del Sol
  • Cookie purpose: The ASP Session cookie is used by the system running the website to control the operation of the website.
  • Duration: Non-permanent session cookie (until the web browser is closed).
  • This cookie is strictly necessary

Cookie name: config_cookie

  • Created by: Turismo y Planificación Costa del Sol
  • Cookie purpose: Register cookie permission parameters.
  • Conduct. Functionality. Permission settings.
  • Duration: Permanent: 2 years from the date it was installed or updated.

Cookie name: idioma

  • Created by: Turismo y Planificación Costa del Sol
  • Cookie purpose: Register language selection parameters.
  • Conduct. Functionality. Language settings.
  • Duration: Non-permanent session cookie (until the web browser is closed).

Cookie name: _ga

  • Created by: Google, Inc.
  • Type/Purpose of the cookie: Conduct. It is used to measure and improve the quality of the site through the analysis of visitor behavior.
  • Duration: Permanent: 2 years from the date it was installed or updated.

How to change cookie settings?

Each browser has different settings that allow users to adjust specific cookie permissions:

comprobamos strNombreCookiePanelCache para ver si está definida y enviar el js el valor blnPanelCookie para que muestre la franja |||||||