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Sabor a Málaga is a big family where the products, small shops and restaurant businesses provide us a wide variety of experiences far beyond the tasting the richness of the products and preparations that are cultivated and created in every one of 103 towns of our province. 

The gastronomic fairs, many of which declared Provincial Tourist Interest, as well as routes and guided visits through century-old olive trees, oil mills and mills with history; steep slope vineyards, where the terroir determines the survival and excellence of the different varieties of grapes to achieve unique Malaga wines; traditions that value our muscatel raisin or the delight provided by our artisanal cheese factories that carefully make each piece of Malaga goat cheese; these are only some of the options that can be found in the section. An adventure of flavor and knowledge that opens the way to new forms of enjoying our environment, admiring the natural beauty of each region, the art, culture and its idiosyncrasy.
