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Prepared and frozen dishes

Prepared and frozen dishes

Rich, healthy and nutritious proposals, ready to enjoy

Prepared and frozen dishes have become highly practical options in our daily lives, providing us with delicious, healthy and nutritious proposals that provide us with the best solution when we lack time to cook. In the different regions of our province there are currently an interesting number of companies specialized in the production of pre-cooked products, as well as ready-made or V-range and frozen dishes that allow us to maintain a varied and balanced diet thanks to the quality of the ingredients and the recipes that they follow to make their preparations, thus providing us with a unique and unmatched product with an authentic taste of Malaga. Examples of these dishes made with original recipes are ajobacalao, suckling goat roasted in an olive wood oven, pork meatballs in almond sauce, cheek in red wine, suckling lamb shoulder or truffled turkey.

Likewise, cold soups, made with seasonal products such as gazpacho, ajoblanco or porra, allow us to enjoy refreshing and healthy suggestions ready to consume in the summer. And with regard to frozen products, essential in our shopping basket, due to their nutritional guarantee, versatility, availability and practicality, they stand out from fruits and vegetables to a wide variety of fish and seafood, without forgetting one of the star foods that delight young and old alike: croquettes.
