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Legal notice - Sabor a Málaga

This web page uses its own cookies and the third-party cookies to collect the information which help us make the service as good as possible. By no means is our intention to use it for gathering personal data.

More information Cookies policy

Legal notice

Legal notice

Your privacy is important to us, in this
Policy we explain what personal data we
collect through our interactions with you
and how we use it. We ask that you read it
carefully before providing your personal
data and make sure that you have properly
understood it.

Being responsible for this website, we seek to offer the greatest legal guarantees in relation to the privacy of our users and
explain to them, with clarity and transparency that are as high as possible, everything that has to do with theprocessing of personal data within this website.

The website complies with the requirements established in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament
and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal
data and to the free circulation of these data and by which Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, RGPD) is
repealed, as well as Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Society Services of Information and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter,LSSICE). In compliance with said regulations, below we provide you with the data protection policy followed by the Provincial Council of Málaga. You can consult in detail each of the processing activities carried out by the Provincial Council of Málaga in the Treatment  Registry  .

Responsible for the Treatment

The person responsible for processing your data is the Provincial Council of Málaga, with CIF number P2900000G, postal address at Calle Pacífico nº 54 CP 29004 –Málaga (Spain), contact telephone number 952 133 500 and email address  . The treatment activities carried out by the Provincial Council of Malaga are available in the following   Treatment Registry  .

Purpose of the Treatment

At the Provincial Council of Málaga we collect and process your personal data to manage our services effectively and provide
them with the highest quality possible. By using the services of the website you authorize us to
process your data for the purposes for which it was collected. The purposes of each of the treatment activities carried out by the
Malaga Provincial Council can be consulted in our  Treatment Registry  . We do not process the data to create profiles nor are they used for purposes other than those mentioned above.

Conservation period for your data

The personal data provided will be kept for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected and to determine any possible liabilities that may arise. Furthermore, the archives and documentation regulations establish conservation periods that are mandatory for the Provincial Council.

When the purpose of the treatment requires your consent, which must be given through a clear affirmative action, they will be kept as long as it is necessary to continue providing the requested services and as long as you do not demand their deletion, except in cases where their conservation is legally established for a certain period of time, after which we will proceed to delete it. In any case, the interested party will be informed of the specific conservation period of each data processing that affects them or, at least, of the legal provision that determines said period.

Legitimation for the processing of your data

The processing of your data is carried out to comply with the obligations derived from the exercise of the powers attributed by Law to the Provincial Council of Malaga. Likewise, when the purpose of the treatment requires the consent of those affected, this must be given through a clear affirmative, free, specific, unequivocal and informed action.

Data recipients

Your data will not be transferred to third parties, so that they could provide you withany service or carry out any processing directly, unless there is a legal obligation to do so. However, your data may be communicated to the “Data Processors”, whose intervention we need to provide our services, acting at all times in accordance with our instructions to guarantee adequate and correct processing of your data; access to your data by our Data Processors will always be essential to achieve the purposes pursued in their actions. Likewise, other Organizations or Public Administrations may access your data, if necessary for the resolution of the administrative procedures processed by the City Council in which you are a party. Under no circumstances will we transfer your data to organizations located outside the European Union.

Rights of interested parties

The interested party may exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, data portability, opposition and not being subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling. These rights can be exercised through a form that we have at your disposal in the General Registry of the Provincial Council of Malaga, downloading it from the official website in Exercise of Rights, or by requesting it by email to the address . Once completed, you can present them at any of the sites provided for in article 16.4 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public:

  • In the electronic registry of the Provincial Council, as well as in the remaining electronic records of any of the subjects referred to in article 2.1 of Law 39/2015, of October 1.
  • In the Post Offices, in the manner established by regulation.
  • In the diplomatic representations or consular offices of Spain abroad.
  • In the registration assistance offices.
  • In any other setting out the regulations.
  • Likewise, you have the right to file a claim with the   Transparency and Data Protection Council of Andalusia.

If the treatment is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

Data Protection Officer

To exercise your rights or deal with any issue related to the matter of personal data protection, you can contact the Data Protection Delegate at Calle Pacífico nº 54 CP 29004 – Málaga (Spain), contact telephone number 952 133 624 and email

Information we process

When an interested party connects to this website, they are providing personal information for which the Provincial Council of Malaga is responsible. The information may include personal data such as your IP address, name, physical address,email address, telephone number, and other information. By providing it, the user gives their consent for it to be collected, used,managed and stored by the Provincial Council of Málaga, only as described in this Privacy Policy.

Treatment principles

At the Provincial Council of Malaga, taking into account the requirements of the RGPD, we apply the following principles when processing your personal data:

  • Principle of legality, loyalty and transparency : We will always require your consent for the processing of your personal data,
    for one or more specific purposes, and we will inform you of this in advance with absolute transparency.
  • Data minimization principle : We will only request data that is strictly necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is required.
  • Principle of limitation of the conservation period : the data will be kept for no longer than necessary for the purposes of the
    treatment, depending on the purpose, we will inform you of the corresponding conservation period.
  • Principle of integrity and confidentiality : Your data will be treated in such a way as to guarantee adequate security and
    confidentiality. You should know that we take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of
    my users' data by third parties.

Data accuracy and veracity

The user guarantees that the personal data provided through different available means is true and is obliged to communicate anymodification thereof.

As a user, you are solely responsible fpr the veracity and correctness of your data, exonerating the Provincial Council of Malaga from any responsibility, damages or losses arising in this regard.

Confidentiality and Security

In the use and processing of user´s personal data, the Malaga Provincial Council is committed to respecting their confidentiality and using them in accordance with the purpose for which they were collected, as well as to comply withtheir obligation to store them and adapt all measures. to avoid alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of current data protection regulations.

With respect to the confidentiality of the processing, the Malaga Provincial Council will ensure that any person who is authorized to process the data of the interested party (including its staff, collaborators and providers), will be under the appropriate obligation of confidentiality (whether it is a contractual duty or legal).

When a security incident occurs, the interested party must be notified without undue delay and must provide timely information related to the Security Incident as it is known or when the interested party reasonably requests it.


We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 14 years of age. However, with prior authorization from those who hold parental authority, images of cultural or sporting events in which minors appear during their participation may be published on the website. If your age does not exceed the established age limit, do not provide us with personal information, unless the requested services require the processing of personal data of minors.

If you are the holder of parental authority over a child under the established age limit and your child has provided us with personal information, please write to us at to exercise your rights.

Comercial communications

In accordance with the LSSICE, we do not practice SPAM, so no commercial mails will be sent electronically that have not been previously requested or authorized by the user.

Changes to the privacy policy

The Provincial Council of Malaga reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to legislative or jurisprudential developments. In such cases, it will announce the changes introduced on this page with reasonable notice of their implementation.

This policy was updated on June 16, 2023. The updated version of this policy is the only one valid until another one replaces it.

Treatment activity record.

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