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Best EVOOs, wines and cheeses awards

Best EVOOs, wines and cheeses awards

The Provincial Council of Málaga, in its mission of the promotion and economic and social development of  its municipalities, launched two decades ago its first edition of the 'Awards to the Best Extra Virgin Olive Oils of the Province', an initiative that allowed to recognize and give value to the quality of this product as well as the good work of the thousands of families dedicated to the care for the olive grove in an abundant province full of singularities.


The first edition of this competition took place in 2002, where a profesional jury proceeded with the degustation and comprehensive assessment  of the EVOOs presented to competition and extracted during the harvest  2001-2002, with the winners being the olives from the cooperatives Sierra de Yeguas, Ntra. Sra. de las Nieves de Torrox, and El Molino de Guaro. Since then more than twenty competitions have been celebrated to face big changes in the rural area from human, social, and corporate perspective as well as in the systems of harvest and production generating more efficient, sustainable harvests and with quality standards that have facilitated that Malaga EVOOs be awarded at national and international levels. 

Mejores vinos 2023

With the same spirit of boost and recognition, the  Sabor a Málaga Awards to the Best Wines with Denomination of Origin 'Málaga' and 'Sierras de Málaga', as well as the Awards to the Best Goat Cheeses of the Province, emerged in 2013 and 2018, respectively, permitted  to expand the stages and products with relevant weight in the economy of the province. 


All these calls and awards come to ratify the best flavors, smells, and color the agrifood sector of the province of Malaga houses and dissemintate to the world thanks to the work of the brand Sabor a Málaga and the fairs where participates and definitely to the collaboration of all our farmers, freelancers, and entrepreneurs who make from their efforts a benchmark of Málaga.


In the section of  news  new calls for awards will be anounced. Meanwhile, we encourage you to participate, consume, and enjoy the great quality of our extra virgin olive oils, wines with DOP 'Málaga' and 'Sierras de Málaga' and the best goat cheeses of the province. 
