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The Brand

The Brand

Limones, Naranjas y MandarinasMálaga is rich in flavors and aromas. It is rich in virgin olive oil, in goat cheeses, in wines and liquors. Málaga is rich in fruits and vegetables, in fish, in meats. A generous land with its nuts, table olives, and in beers. Malaga is sweet, especially at Easter and Christmas. It is full of native products that dazzle the senses. And all of them are grouped together in the promotional brand Sabor a Málaga .

The first major objective of the Sabor a Málaga brand is to unify the province's highest quality products under a global image. Thanks to the Sabor a Málaga brand , the consumer can identify these products at distribution, restaurant and accommodation points both in the province of Málaga and outside it.

tasting olive oil with a piece of breadThe second major objective Sabor a Málaga pursues is to promote the marketing of all products linked to the brand, highlighting the quality and exclusivity of each of them.

Sabor a Málaga is also a launch vehicle to show the value of the province's agri-food sector. The brand contributes to the revitalization of the local economy and the creation of jobs in the agricultural and agri-food sector of Malaga.

The Sabor a Málaga project came to light in 2011 thanks to the joint work of the Malaga Provincial Council with more than 400 companies in the agricultural industry in the province. The trademark is registered with the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market of the European Community (Community Trademark Registry).

Sabor a Málaga is open to producers, businesses, restaurants, and hotels. The brand offers many advantages for all those who grow and work with local products. If you want to be part of it, join!
