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Wines and drinks - Sabor a Málaga

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Wines and drinks

Wines and drinks

Reds, whites, sweets and rosés with international prestige

For centuries Malaga has been a land of wines. In almost all its regions there are important oenological references, whether sweet, white, red, rosé or even sparkling. A good part of these wines are included within the two existing designations of origin.

The Málaga Denomination of Origin, one of the oldest in Europe and for whose production the white varieties Pedro Ximénez and Moscatel are used, has its origin in 1833. Among them, we must differentiate between two types of sweets, those that come from grapes. overripe and those made with raisined grapes. For its part, the Sierras de Málaga Denomination of Origin protects still wines that have an alcohol content that is between 10 and 15.5 degrees. This includes both whites, reds and rosés. In addition, there are other drinks made in Malaga, such as liquors, distillates, beers, fruit juices and mineral waters that are made and produced in the different municipalities of Malaga. With respect to beers, in the last decade numerous craft beers have become known in the province of Malaga.

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