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How to join in

How to join in

Do you want to be a part of Sabor a Málaga family?

El sabor que nos une (1)

If you are an individual or legal person, self-employed worker o company 

  • That cultivates, grows, processes and/or manufactures agricultural, livestock, agri-food products and sea products in the province of Málaga that are intended for human consumption.
  • If you have a direct sales business or an on line shop.
  • Either, you own a restaurant or run a catering or hotel business.

We invite you to discover the advantages of joining in Sabor a Málaga 

El sabor que nos une

  • Participation in fairs and specialized trade fairs.
  • Publicity and promotion in social networks and  mass media.
  • Trainings in the areas of development and entrepreneurial expansion at regional, national, and international levels.
  • Access to  subsidies and  public assistance.

We inform and guide you about how to join in Sabor a Málaga

Send us a mail to:

Call us at: 952 069 223 o 952 133 661

Individuals and legal persons interested in using the brand “Sabor a Málaga” must submit an application, in person or via Sede Electrónica (, and in any case, as required by the articles 14.1, 14.2 y 16.4 of the Law 39/2015, from 1 of October of Common Administrative Procedure of the Government Agencies, owing to accompany given application with the documents specified in the Regulation.
