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Preserves and Jams - Honeys, jams and preserves - Sabor a Málaga

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Preserves and Jams - Honeys, jams and preserves

The fruit and vegetable variety of the province of Malaga can be seen not only in its fields but also in the wide range of preserves and jams from Malaga that are currently on the market. Dozens of flavors are made today in a traditional way to be marketed both inside and outside the province. Currently, there are three large companies dedicated to this sector, two of them in the Serranía de Ronda, which are cooperatives located in the towns of Benalauría and Montejaque, respectively. There are also some that make these preserves from other locations such as Fuengirola or Frigiliana, among others. All of them have as a common denominator the exhaustive selection of raw materials and a production process that is as artisanal as possible. In the case of Benalauría, a cooperative began its journey in the early nineties as an associated worker cooperative. And since then its members have maintained their principles.

To do this, they purchase fruits and vegetables preferably grown in their surroundings, or from supplying companies that offer recognized quality guarantees. Currently, they are specialized in preserved chestnuts ('marron glacé', syrup, jam, creams, truffles or chocolates, etc.). Caramelized onion, roasted peppers, olive pâtés or cherry tomatoes in oil are other options in your repertoire. In addition, they make jams with vegetables and fruits, such as tomatoes, peppers, oranges, tangerines or figs, among others. As innovations, in recent years they have brought to the market new jams made of red wine from Ronda, Pedro Ximén or even gin and tonic. For its part, the Montejaque cooperative, in addition to various jams (strawberry, orange, tangerine, zucchini with vanilla, etc.), packages creams with pumpkin, quince and sweet potato. To them we must add the 'steviladas', jams where sugar is replaced by stevia, a natural sweetener, with fewer calories and more properties.

This range is expanded with numerous preserves such as tomato sauce, ratatouille, roasted peppers, gazpacho or even ketchup. Both Al-Jaque and La Molienda Verde are also characterized by having an important organic production of some of their preserves and jams from Malaga. In other cases, there is a wide range of jams, including olive (green and black), lemon, kiwi, pepper, eggplant, pickles, orange and chocolate, strawberry and banana, pineapple and margo or caramelized onion. To these we must add many made with tropical fruits or even sweet potatoes.


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