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Garden Products and Edible Flowers - Pantry - Sabor a Málaga

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Garden Products and Edible Flowers - Pantry

Garden Products and Edible Flowers

Natural aroma and flavor from the ground to the plate

Andalusia is one of the leaders in the international market in terms of the production of food from organic farming. Only in our autonomous community is 50% of national production concentrated. In Malaga the most prominent growing areas are the Axarquía, the Serranía de Ronda, Antequera and the Guadalhorce Valley. The Malaga garden is rich in the production of sweet potatoes, zucchini, beans, eggplants, peppers, broad beans, cabbage and some subtropical fruits. But the most popular are those that are consumed most frequently on a daily basis: tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes.

The tomatoes from the Malaga garden have different varieties that differ in their shape, color and ripening point. The most common are the vine tomato (it comes in a bunch and is fleshy and has a mild flavor); the round tomato (larger and very fleshy); the pear tomato (thin skin and elongated shape); the marmande tomato (irregular and green), and the rebellion tomato (with grooves and hard skin). Although the varieties do not stop there: there are many others, such as the peculiar bull's egg tomato, a traditional crop in the municipality of Coín. The most common varieties of cucumbers in the Malaga garden are the French and the Dutch. The first is characterized by its smaller size and rough skin, while the second is elongated, with smooth skin and easier to digest. Potatoes, on the other hand, can be differentiated by their color. The red ones are usually used for frying or stewing; The white ones are the most popular variety and can be used for any purpose (roasted, boiled, for cooking...).

Edible flowers from Malaga, national prestige

The edible flowers grown in Malaga have captivated the palates of some of the best chefs on the national scene and are present in several of the most prestigious restaurants in Spain. These products, in addition to adding flavor to dishes, provide a degree of attractiveness and healthy properties to foods. Each of the edible flowers grown in Malaga has an aroma, color and flavor that make it unique. Its main use in gastronomy is as an edible decoration on dishes. Some of the most popular are apricot agastache flower, basil flower, aloe vera flower, zucchini flower or fennel flower.

Did you know...

The edible flowers of Malaga are served in some of the most prestigious restaurants in Spain.


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