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The Salami - Meats and sausages - Sabor a Málaga

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The Salami - Meats and sausages

Salchichón de Málaga is one of the most unique sausages in Spain, with clearly differentiating characteristics, as revealed by its soft texture. In addition to a very specific formula in terms of its ingredients – pork and spices – it stands out especially for its short curing period. According to the quality standards that today protect this Malaga salchichón, this is “a sausage product made with a mixture of minced or chopped meats, pork, or pork and beef, and bacon and pork fat, added salt, spices, and condiments".

As detailed in Royal Decree 474/2014, of June 13 of the Official State Gazette, this mixture must be kneaded and stuffed “in natural casings with a caliber greater than 30 millimeters and a more or less curved shape and subjected to a short period of curing-ripening that gives it its texture, flavor and aroma characteristics.” Currently, there are several companies that produce this traditional sausage, which was on the verge of being lost in the last decade of the nineties. Among them is one from Cártama, which is considered the first to develop the Málaga salchichón formula at the beginning of the 19th century. Other companies in this town or its surroundings also make this type of sausage. Despite respecting the quality standards of this Malaga sausage, each of them offers some variants that further enrich it as a genuine product from the province of Malaga. In addition to being an excellent starter, this sausage has demonstrated its versatility in today's kitchen in recent years. In fact, some prestigious chefs have dared to create surprising recipes with it that highlight its uniqueness. Thus, today dishes such as tartar or Málaga salchichón pâté have spread. There are even those who have taken advantage of its characteristics to include it in croquettes.

Did you know...

The first Malaga salchichón was made by the Prolongo company in 1820.


More information
  • The authorship of the Málaga salchichón seems to correspond, according to some historical accounts, to the company Prolongo, based in Málaga. Its first factory, founded in 1820, had as its first task the production of this product. Apparently, a formula from Italy was used to make this Malaga salchichón. In fact, it could be similar to the one used at that time for the 'salame' of Genoa, although possibly with some variants that would adapt to the Malaga tradition. This product, currently highly valued in the province of Malaga, was very common in the snacks of many Malaga residents in the last century.

  • Behind its softness, Málaga salchichón hides some properties that differentiate it from other sausages of the same family. Not in vain, it has more water and less fat -below 50 grams per 100-. On the contrary, it has more protein than other products derived from pork, with 37 or more grams per 100, as established in the quality standards that protect this genuine product from the province of Malaga.

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