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Productos de la Cabra Malagueña - Producers

Productos de la Cabra Malagueña

The Spanish Association of Malagueña Goat Breeders contemplates the care of the breed of goats in our territory.

The Spanish Goat Farmers from Málaga Association has started to distribute their products to their associates so they can easily access the marked with less intermediates and offer their products with a fairer price for both the producers and the final consumer.

The main objectives of this company are organising the demand, reducing production costs, improving the quality of their products, and creating a company model whose commercial system is based in dialogue, transparency and respect between the producer and the consumer, supporting a sustainable development of rural environment.

They also offer consumers a quality product with safety controls since the beginning, through a rigorous traceability system.


Suckling goat meat from Málaga

Goat products: chorizo, salchichón and goat shoulder

Wine suckling goat pâté from Málaga

Artisanal goat milk cheese from Málaga

Calle El Pozuelo s/n - 29160
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Lamb legs
Goat milk
Malaga goat