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The ham, an authentic irresistible gastronomic gem - Sabor a Málaga

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The ham, an authentic irresistible gastronomic gem

The ham, an authentic irresistible gastronomic gem

Iberian and Chestnut Ham

Iberian ham is considered a gastronomic luxury and one of the most recognized hallmarks of Spain. Not all hams are, to do so they have to come from Iberian pigs with at least 50% purity, have been raised in an extensive free-range regime and have a curing period of between 24 and 48 months. All this makes it an irresistible and globally praised product.

Exclusive Iberian products from Alto Genal

In recent years, one of the most exclusive products from the province of Málaga has come onto the market: the so-called Málaga chestnut ham, which is basically differentiated by eating abundant chestnuts during its breeding. The introduction of this dried fruit, as a complement to acorns, cereals and other products, is the differentiating element. Thanks to this, the ham, once cured, achieves unique nuances, such as its softness and texture, which are some of its unmistakable nuances. Currently, the production of chestnut ham is concentrated in Alto Genal, an area of ​​the Serranía de Ronda with an ideal terrain both for raising Iberian pigs and for drying hams.

Its limited and artisanal production ensures a spectacular result in the final product. In fact, only sea salt is used during drying to guarantee the highest possible quality, which, together with the climate of the area, makes it a ham of high gastronomic standard. The rugged relief of the area forces the pigs to exercise continuously in their search for food, which favors the infiltration of fat and causes the marbling of the meat to reach its peak. The climate is also decisive for the Iberian pig. It is very rainy, which makes the pasture rich in grass to optimally complement its diet, which is exhaustively controlled from birth, based on cereals and legumes during spring, summer and part of autumn, a premontanera of chestnut and a montanera of four types of acorns (holm oak, chaparro, cork oak and gall oak).

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