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Terraverne launches a special and limited edition of its EVOO 555 on the occasion of the XVIII Douglas'Days in Scotland. - Sabor a Málaga

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Terraverne launches a special and limited edition of its EVOO 555 on the occasion of the XVIII Douglas'Days in Scotland.

Terraverne launches a special and limited edition of its EVOO 555 on the occasion of the XVIII Douglas'Days in Scotland.

The Tebeña mill, winner of the XXII Awards for the Best EVOO of the province of the Provincial Council in the medium green fruity category, pays tribute to the true story of Braveheart with a new oil, a coupage of hojiblanca and arbequina in a limited edition of 1,000 units, which will only be available from 19 to 25 August.

The Terraverne olive oil mill, a member of the Sabor a Málaga brand, has launched a special limited edition of its EVOO 555 in homage to the true story of Braveheart. A blend of the Hojiblanca and Arbequina varieties will be presented this Thursday 22 August at 22.00 in the Plaza de la Constitución in the town of Teba. The event is part of the XVIII Douglas'Days, which, in collaboration with the Teba Town Council, will be held in the town from 22 to 25 August. 

Located in the town of Teba and framed in the Guadalteba region, Almazara Terraverne wanted to pay tribute to this unique event this year with a new oil in a reduced format. A 250 ml tin of two of the varieties that head the multi-award winning Oils 555, hojiblanca and arbequina. Two varieties that make up this ‘Coupage’ which will be released in a limited edition of 1,000 units and will be available from 19 August until 25 August, both on its website and in the mill's own shop and in some of the restaurants in the area.

Sin especificarThis limited edition can of EVOO 555 features a small legend that claims ‘The true story of Braveheart’ and is also a tribute to Scotland for the twinning between these two places. Terraverne is thus launching the first special edition of AOVES 555 linked to a great historical event, which it intends to replicate every year at this time.

This Terraverne EVOO 555 has a medium fruity profile with herbaceous nuances, reminiscent of freshly cut grass. This oil has a medium spicy intensity, its aroma reminds us of green apple, almond and vegetables.

The days dedicated to the legendary Sir James Douglas recall the battle of Teba, which took place in 1330 in the Castillo de la Estrella and whose outcome led to the capture of the fortress and, therefore, the Christian reconquest of the town of Teba.

The town of Teba, twinned with Melrose (Scotland), remembers and commemorates this event every year with its most international festivities: the Scottish Douglas' Days. Considered a Provincial Tourist Singularity. These days will be held from 22nd to 25th August and this year will be celebrated with the official twinning between the two cities.

AOVE 554 Terraverne

About Terraverne

The Almazara Terraverne, founded in 2021, has just three seasons with an important selection of national and international distinctions for the quality of its EVOO. Oils that have won awards from New York to Tokyo, from Beijing to Dubai, from Paris to Athens and have even been distinguished with the Mario Solinas (IOC Award) or this season as one of the best oils in the province of Malaga.

Located in a sea of olive trees from where you can see the Castillo de la Estrella, the Almazara Terraverne has been from the beginning a project committed to its environment and a project designed to show the benefits of the Extra Virgin Malaga. AOVES 555 can now be found from Teba to Seoul or Mexico, an effort of commitment to internationalisation and quality recognised in the most demanding markets.

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