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Coffee and Teas - Pantry - Sabor a Málaga

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Coffee and Teas - Pantry

Coffee and Teas

Aromas and flavors to awaken your senses

Malaga is a province rich in flavors and aromas, and coffee roasters have contributed to creating part of this essence. For over a century, Malaga has been home to major coffee-roasting companies, and their expertise combined with the enterpreneural spirit of the hospitality sector has made Malaga a place where coffee is ordered in a unique way. 

Small artisanal roasters have flourished in our land in recent decades, creating varieties and masterful recipes made with the finest selected coffee beans. 

As for infusions, they boast exceptional properties and benefits, and many local producers in our regions market herbal teas where local ingredients and crops contribute their stamp of identity.

Discovering and savouring these aromas and flavors is truly a pleasure and experience for the senses. 


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