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The most delicious pastry of Malaga Easter - Sabor a Málaga

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The most delicious pastry of Malaga Easter

The most delicious pastry of Malaga Easter

The city´s typical sweets go out in the streets to make the wait for thrones more pleasant

Malaga´s Easter is one of the holidays of special relevance in the city since it was declared of International Tourist Interest on 16th of February of 1980. From the starting of Lent and until Easter Sunday unique and special moments are experienced thanks to the brotherhoods displaying the thrones, to the musical bands accompanying the sacred heads of each brothrhood and, especially, to the rituals and traditions that shape a heritage culture of our province. In this cultural representation, a relevant aspect, also main character of the holidays, it is worth to note the Malaga pastry for its gastronomic tradition.

That is why, the Malaga Easter is a period noted for the city not only for religion and beliefs it refers to, but also because it brings culture and gastronomy. The bakery shops are filled with the typical sweets, and the Malaga people convert their tables under the calendar of Easter into a foto they wait all the year. Hence, the tables with traditional dishes, the pastry, the streets full of people watching the thrones and Malaga accent commenting the beauty of this patrimonial treasure represent a value that forms part of the soul of the south.

Apart from the processions that take place in the Malaga capital, there are other villages and cities of the province that are relevant during Easter thanks to the live shows, processions or special traditions as they make passionate meetings wrapped in magic.

Some of these special moments we can find in the village of Casarabonela, where the Representation of the  Passion, a representative staging that takes place in the Santiago church, renounces an outdoor landscape focusing on the reading of  a biblical passage suggesting an intense reflexion about it. This spiritual experience is also attached to a gastronomic earthly experience and anyone who visits this village can discover the traditional artisan sweets made by the diverse bakeries of the village.

Another special moment is the breathtaking procession of the  Silence brotherhood in Ronda, when Holy Christ at his Blood and the Virgin of Highest Pain walk in the city centre at night. A monumental town to taste torrijas, gañotes, fried milk and pestiños.

Another invaluable moment you can experience in Archidona. This is a meeting of three thrones of the Brotherhood of Huerto in the emblematic Ochavada Square. The  ‘Embassy’ of the Angel, where a girl from the balcony of the  Victoria church sings the poems to  Jesús Orando in the garden of the olives and  offers him a chalice. In this town which is known by beign decalred a Historic-Artistic Site in 1980, the Nuns carry out a sweet confectionery tradition allowing to perpetuate the tradition of their artisan products.

Another eye-catching representation can be experienced in  Antequera and is known as ‘Correr la vega’, they take place during the nights of Holy Thursday and Friday. The brotherhoods race on a very steep slope under the slogan  ‘¡A la vega!’. It is good to restock on energy from such rushed feat tasting pestiños, patties, torrijas o homemade donuts of the region and typical of the Lent.

One of the most spectacular moments can be experienced in the province of  Vélez Málaga, with the procession of Jesús Nazareno, more known  as  ‘The Poor’ who comes accompanied by the Virgin of Hope. The most awaiting moment of the procession is the blessing The Poor gives to  the residents by his right hand in the Carmelitas square. There, the residents and visitors can enjoy buñuelos de viento, typical sweet during Easter.

Regarding the most popular theatrical performance of the city, it is given in Riogordo, known as Paso de Riogordo. It is massive and implies the participation of bigger number of people on the stage. In addition to big diversity of pastries, its oil donuts represent the uniqueness of the town.

Malaga confectionery lives idyllic days during which the kitchen acquires the emblematic influence with the repertoire of desserts and typical sweets that can be made everywhere: from the ovens of the best bakeries to the kitchens of every house. 

Standing out by being delicious and varied betting on an exquisite and tasty flavor, the pastry make experience the Easter with more devotion than never. Among the most simple and traditional desserts stand out torrijas, borrachuelos, and ¨Saint´s bones¨.

The borrachuelos are one of the typical sweets of Andalusian origin, the favourites among Malaga brothers. This fried dessert is made of dough of flour, egg, olive oil and sugar covered by cinnamon and filled with angel hair in addittion to the spices, anis and honey that give special touch.

                                             Borrachuelos                              Borrachuelos 2

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-21 at 10.44.28The torrijas are desserts that cannot be missing during Malaga Easter. The bread dipped in the mix of milk, eggs, sugar, and cinnamon and afterthat is fried is, undoubtedly, a delicious dessert to make the wait for the thrones less eternal. 

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-21 at 11.02.25The pestiños are another most popular desserts. These small fried bites are made with a dough of flour, olive oil, white wine, anis, seasame, cinnamon and honey which are cut in the shape of diamonds and are fried in hot olive oil. A delicious flavor to make the wait more pleasant. 

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-21 at 11.02.48And, finally, it is worth to note the famous ¨Saint´s bones¨. A very typical sweet that cannot be missing during Malaga Easter. These small bites are made with marzipan covered with white icing and filled with different flavors as jam, cream or truffle. Exquisite and dreamy flavors that make us wait with more ilusion. 

It is worth to note that during Malaga Easter various bakeries and pastry shops play an important role in the making of traditional exquisite sweets. Among them are Daver Confectionery, in Ronda and Capricho Helado Artesano in Coín, they are well-known for their delicious torrijas, while Guzmán Confectionery Bakery, with sweets“of entire life”, in Alhaurín el Grande, Bakery El Molinero in Archidona and Confectionery Workshop Tejeros, in Malaga capital, since1975, are experts in the making of authentic borrachuelos.

For pestiños lovers, either of sugar or honey, La Antequerana is the ideal place to enjoy this delicacy made in artisan way prevailing the quality over quantity.

Also, other emblematic bakeries and confectioneries in the province such as Cristo Rey, Salvador and Guijarro offer a wide variety of typical products that delight the residents and visitors during this special holiday. 

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