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Discover Málaga's Cuisine through its Areas, Recipes and Products - Sabor a Málaga

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Discover Málaga's Cuisine through its Areas, Recipes and Products

Discover Málaga's Cuisine through its Areas, Recipes and Products

Art and flavour by prestigious chefs

Spain is one of the countries with the longest cooking tradition. Our chefs are internationally well-known and won plenty of rewards. Málaga is not an exception. Excellence has been a goal in cooking for some time here, and fine dining has been combined with genuine traditional cuisine with local products. The search for new approaches in the creation of high-quality products in Málaga's food, agriculture and wine industry goes through support of local quality products, which are meant to increase the competitiveness of our companies and stimulate productive forces in the province.

Málaga's cuisine is going to be open to the world by an exposition of its products and services, recipes and dishes that represent exquisite and recommendable Mediterranean diet.

Traditional cooking in this area is widely well-known. Our recipes come from the gastronomy which had been influenced throughout history by many different cultures until a popular Andalusian cuisine was formed with typical flavours and scents from Málaga.

Therefore, we would like you to discover Málaga's Cuisine through its towns, recipes and products. Don't hesitate and start cooking at home, or go to any of our restaurants to try one of our delicious dishes.

Art of Flavour - Traditional Cuisine in the Sierra Norte in Málaga

Those who enjoy good cuisine, will discover the wonders of food culture in the villages and towns of the Northern Málaga Mountains or the Sierra Norte. This is a varied Mediterranean diet in its genuine form, with carefully prepared dishes with legumes, originally prepared fish, meat with juicy gravies and delicious desserts. The most important ingredient is, of course, olive oil.

Food in the Serranía de Ronda

One group of the recipes is meant to bring a piece of the Serranía de Ronda to your home. We would like you to feel its atmosphere, enjoy it and wish for more. Go for it! Cook fondly for your family and friends, and, while you are doing it, get prepared for your next visit to the Serranía de Ronda so you could taste right there all the dishes that we recommended in the book and many more.

Cuisine and Festivals in La Axarquía

This is a 'soulful' area of almonds, olives, vineyards and avocados, as well as honey, kid and lamb. There are aromas of fennel and rosemary, and one can smell the countryside, mountains and sea.

This area is Andalusian and Moorish. Simple and rural, but also modern. Proud and fertile, La Axarquía is an endless source of good sensations, like those which inspired this book as a tribute to the rich gastronomy produced in this area by its people.

Cuisine in the Surroundings of Guadalhorce and Guadalteba

This area is inland with valleys, mountains, rivers, reservoirs and gorges. White villages cover the hills. There are wheat, almond and olive trees, but also more traditional orchards. This area was a passage with many different influences and old forts, which once witnessed reconquests and were frequented by bandits, traders and travellers. In the heart of the province, in the surroundings of the Guadalhorce and Guadalteba reservoirs, there is an area where you will be welcomed by genuine Andalusian and Málaga's recipes with an intense olive-oil aroma.

Traditional Cooking and New Recipes in the Sierra de las Nieves

The Sierra de las Nieves  is not only a maze of paths which lead to Torrecilla, but also a home of white villages which are reached after a walk between Spanish firs. In these villages and their squares, you will find restaurants where you can have a bite after having admired beautiful landscapes. The dishes we are served are also the Sierra de as Nieves, as it is their traditional preparation and their genuine local ingredients.

Recipes from the Friends of Malaga's Gastronomy

Chef Juan Manuel López-Cózar Ortiz-Tallo will show us raw material, and how each of the dishes can be made with love and care. The traditional cuisine of our land is displayed by traditional recipes with modern twists, which got its present shape thanks to the influence of history and multicultural surroundings.

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