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Ronda pero, the fruit that reigns in the Costa del Sol

Ronda pero, the fruit that reigns in the Costa del Sol

From the Guadalcobacín Valley to the rest of the world

Ronda peros are a fruit typical of the Guadalcobacín Valley. A fruit that has survived the threat of pests and the imposition of other more commercial trees. A fruit that tastes and is part of the culture and history of Ronda. The Ronda pero is a variety of apple tree that is grown only in this region of the interior of Malaga. At first glance, it can be confused with the apple, since they are practically identical on the outside.

However, inside, Ronda pero is a totally different world of flavors with a softer and juicier texture. The perois slightly smaller than an apple. It is also a fruit that is more resistant to inclement weather and the passage of time: it can be preserved for up to six months once harvested. The youngest will barely know of the existence of pero. This fruit had its peak production period between 1950 and 1970. During this period it was a highly demanded product nationwide in the main markets of Cádiz, Córdoba, Madrid and Bilbao. It also had international reach and reached some areas of Latin America and Africa.

The return of Ronda pero

The farmers of the Guadalcobacín Valley have decided to recover the pero of Ronda after that period of uncertainty in which it was on the verge of disappearing. In the last five years, its production has been promoted so that it once again has prominence in the fields of the region. Currently, this product can be enjoyed in many ways. The simplest and most traditional way is to eat it fresh as a snack, in dessert or as an afternoon snack. Its use has also spread in baking and other forms of consumption. Thus, the use of pero has become popular for the preparation of biscuits, cakes, puff pastries, jams or even drinks such as brandy.

Peritos of Ronda

Among the products made from this very popular fruit from the Serranía de Ronda, the peritos stand out, a chocolate-shaped sweet made up of puff pastry, cinnamon, butter, and sugar. This sweet was designed by Ronda pastry chef David Verdú in order to promote the production and consumption of this fruit.
