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Prepared and frozen meals, Málaga practical alternatives for a balanced diet - Sabor a Málaga

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Prepared and frozen meals, Málaga practical alternatives for a balanced diet

Prepared and frozen meals, Málaga practical alternatives for a balanced diet

Tasty, healthy, and nutritional offerings ready to enjoy

The prepared and frozen dishes have converted into highly practical options in our daily lives enabling us tasty, healthy, and nutritional offerings that provide us the best solution when we do not have time for cooking.

At present, in the distinct municipalities of our province there are some companies specialized in the elaboration of the ready-made products as well as prepared dishes or V Gama dishes and frozen products that allow us to maintain a varied and balanced diet thanks to the quality of the ingredients and the recipies thay follow to make their dishes, therefore providing us a unique product with authentic taste. 

Examples of the dishes made with original recipies are garlic cod, suckling goat roasted in olive wood oven, pork meatballs in almond sauce, cheeks in red wine, shoulder of suckling lamb or turkey stuffed with truffles.

Likewise, the cold soups made of seasonal products as gazpacho, garlic cod or porra allow us to enjoy fresh and healthy food ready to consume during summer periods.

In terms of frozen products, it is worth to note that today they are one of the necessary products in our shopping carts due to its nutritional guarantee, versatility, availability, and practicality. Among them there are fruits and vegetables as well as a broad range of fish and shellfish without forgetting one of the star food which is a delicacy for adults and kids: croquettes.

A wide varity of combinations and savours has promoted that on 16th of January the International Day of the Croquette is celebrated, a date when it honours an iconic bite of the Spanish gastronomy and in Málaga create innovative compositions of croquettes among which stand out the croquettes of chicken soup, Málaga salchichón; chicken, mango and curry; bacon and goat cheese; of Iberic jam or of seafood.

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