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Keys to enjoying tasty and variable garden of Málaga - Sabor a Málaga

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Keys to enjoying tasty and variable garden of Málaga

Keys to enjoying tasty and variable garden of Málaga

Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables is a key of a healthy diet

Málaga is a province rich in flavours and colours, a ground where a great variety of fruit trees fill our fields and whose seasonal delicious fruits occupy the stands of squares and markets with predominance of citrus fruits as oranges, tangerines, and lemons, besides peaches, cherries, prickly pears, loquats and other subtropical fruits as mango or avocado.

Andalusia is one of the benchmarks on the international market in terms of the production of products from organic farming.

50% of the national production is concentrated in only our autonomous community. The most well-known cultivation areas of Málaga are Axarquía, Serranía de Ronda, Antequera, and Valle del Guadalhorce.

At the same time, the gardens of Málaga are rich in the production of sweet potatoes, zzucchinis, green beans, eggplants, peppers, beans, and collard greens. However, the most popular which are consumed with high frequency in a day-to-day life are: tomatoes, cucumbers, and potatoes.

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