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Flour, bread and artisanal pasta: from being subsistence products to essential items on our table

Flour, bread and artisanal pasta: from being subsistence products to essential items on our table

Handmade tradition

The key to a good artisan bread from Malaga lies in the production process and its composition. The manufacturing of this type of bread is slower (it can exceed seven hours, while industrial bread is made in just over two) and is based on a procedure without additives. According to the master artisans, the key is to choose quality ingredients, to let the dough rest and to take care of the cooking. Artisan bread also offers different varieties.

The most common is the traditional loaf of bread, with round and pointed ends. Ciabatta, a rustic variety, with a hard crust and little crumb, and loaf, round and very large, are also common. There are various types of artisanal bread, and in Malaga, there are some municipalities with their own traditions and varieties of bread.

The "mollete antequerano" is popular throughout Spain (also the "mollete de Archidona," which has similar characteristics). It is a small bread with a lightly baked crust and a round shape, typically served at breakfast as toast with olive oil, tomato, and ham. On the other hand, the municipality of Istán is known for its cornbread, made from corn flour. Among the varieties of artisanal bread, there is also the "pan cateto," with a hard crumb and round shape, very similar to a loaf. This type of bread stays in very good condition even after several days.

Distinguish artisanal bread

The most significant difference between artisanal bread and industrially processed bread is the naturalness of the ingredients. Additionally, its flavor and aroma are much more intense. A good artisanal bread can be distinguished by its interior: the crumb is very open and irregular, unlike industrial bread where the crumb is compact and more closed. Another key factor is its shelf life.

Artisanal bread can remain soft and in good condition for several days because no artificial additives are used in its preparation. The secret lies in properly covering the bread when storing it (with a cloth, with a napkin, etc.).
