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Mª del Carmen Asís, Alpujarreños - Businesses - Sabor a Málaga

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Mª del Carmen Asís, Alpujarreños - Businesses

Mª del Carmen Asís, Alpujarreños

They sell traditional products.


Jam from Málaga:

Mango, kumquat and papaya.

Sugar cane from Frigiliana:

125, 360, 400, 900 gr jar.

Bees and honey:

600 gr rosemary, eucaliptus, thyme, avocado, thousand flowers, orange blossom jar.

300 gr rosemary, eucaliptus, thyme, avocado, thousand flowers, orange blossom jar.

300 gr and 150 gr pollen jar.

Cerveza Murex:

Sugar cane beer, white beer, double malt beer, triple malt beer and black beer.

Bodegas Di Mobe:

Young red wine, white wine, Zumbral wine, señorío de broches, aged wine.

Narbona Solís:

Antaquira wine, Rebalaje white wine, 500 ml Cerro Castillo PET bottle, 500 ml Cerro Castillo

oil glass bottle.

Bodegas Bentomiz:

Naturally sweet Arillán wine, rosé wine, sweet red wine, dry white wine.

Bodegas Ordóñez:

Botani sparkling wine, dry muscatel wine.

La Borgeña:

Raisin jam, 500 gr fig bread, 250 gr fig cake.

500 gr almonds, 500 gr figs, 1 k, 500 gr and 250 gr raisin box.

Montes de Málaga:

Fresh, semi-mature, mature and raw milk cheese.

Queso Pinsapo:

500 gr rosemary, sweet pepper, Pedro Ximenez, mature, olive oil cheese.

3 kg mature and aged cheese.


Ajobacalao, ajoblanco.

Aceite Romanes:

5 l, 2 l, 1 l, 500 ml bottle.

Panadería Ramos:

12 oil cake pack and individual cake.

Hay Mango:

Mango jam, chutney sauce, dry mango.


Meat products and spreads.

Molienda Verde:


250 ml and 500 ml oil can.

Av. de Andalucía 88A - 29740
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