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Garliccod - Recipes - Sabor a Málaga

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Garliccod - Recipes


From traditional Lenten recipe to gastronomic ambassador

Ajobacalao, also popularly called ajocolorao or even ajoporro, is a traditional recipe for Lent in the city of Vélez-Málaga. Deeply rooted in its cuisine, this dish is made with basic ingredients in other times, such as cod, garlic, extra virgin olive oil and sweet paprika. The culinary formula of this Veleño dish can be found today in some establishments in the Axarquia city or in some of the recipes on the Sabor a Málaga Blogs, such as those of Laura Piñeiro, Leonor García or Belén Díaz, among others.


The preparation of this recipe is not complex, but it does require some important prior steps, such as desalting the cod so that it loses the salt that covers it and leaving it in a container of water in the refrigerator. The water will have to be changed a couple of times each day, for at least three days. In this way, it is ensured that the product is desalted. After this previous step, the cod is boiled and then shredded. The water used to cook it will be used to soak the bread. While the bread is soaking, you will have to crush the garlic (to taste), paprika and a splash of lemon juice with a mortar. Finally, the shredded cod and bread will be added to this dough (the most recommended proportion is two-thirds cod and one third bread). To all this mixture we will have to add the extra virgin olive oil and the leftover water from the cod, which will serve to bind it by hand, little by little, until we end up with a fine texture, without lumps, which due to the union of the paprika with the bread. and the cod turns a baton-like orange color. Among the possible options to complement this traditional Vélez dish, there are those who choose to add chilli to give it a certain spicy touch. Others opt for adding seasoned olives or even strips of cod to the resulting dough.


Although the recipe is not complex, there are those who today prefer to directly try the garlic cod made by the Veleña company, which in 2013 took the initiative to make this dish. The brothers José Manuel and Luis Javier Espejo Molina founded this Axarquian firm to make and market a recipe that they had known since their childhood. To do this, they follow the most traditional formula, that is, with salted cod, bread, garlic, sweet paprika, extra virgin olive oil from the Axarquía region and a splash of lemon juice. Therefore, it does not contain preservatives or other artificial additives. Thanks to this entrepreneurial initiative, it is now possible for garlic cod to stop being a seasonal dish and become an excellent appetizer (the product is presented in tubs so it can be spread on bread). From this Vélez company today you can buy the product from any point in the national geography.

The Ajobacalao is a traditional product of the town of Vélez-Málaga. It is made of breadcrumb, extra virgin olive oil from Axarquía, salted cod, garlic, lemon juice, paprika, and chilli. It is ideal to spread at any time of the day. Carmelina Doncel, native from Vélez-Málaga, teaches to cook this typical dish of Lent. In a pot put the cod pieces and place to boil. Once boiled, put the cod in cold water to desalinate it. Every thirty minutes change the water and leave it in cold water. Crush the peeled garlic and six chilli, add lemon juice and a ladle of cooking water. Crumble the bread and put it in a basin. Make a hole in the centre of breadcrumb, add paprika and a ladle of cooking water. Cover with the bread and wait for three or four minutes, so the paprika will not be crude. Little by little, add hot cooking water to the breadcrumb. Stir everything with a wooden spoon moving always in the same direction. After making a dough, little by little add olive oil continuously stiring. Once you added the half of oil, add crushed garlic. Continue to stir and add olice oil.  Finally, add the cod and continue to stir and add water untill everything turns into pasta. 

  • 2/5 kg of breadcrumb
  • 2 kg of salted cod
  • 6 tablespoons of sweet paprika
  • 1 liter of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 garlic bulb
  • 6 chilli
  • Juice of two lemons
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