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Mineral Waters of Casarabonela and Mijas - Wines and drinks - Sabor a Málaga

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Mineral Waters of Casarabonela and Mijas - Wines and drinks

Mineral Waters of Casarabonela and Mijas

The peculiar orography of the province of Malaga, in which kilometers of coastline are mixed with mountainous enclaves that rise to 2,000 meters in altitude, gives rise to numerous products from Mother Nature. One of the clearest examples of food that reaches the consumer's palate with hardly any alterations is that of mineral water. In the province there are two large mineral water springs: one of them is located in the municipality of Casarabonela; the other, in the Sierra de Mijas. The water of Mijas reflects that magical duality that exists in Malaga where it is possible to obtain natural products at more than 1,000 meters above sea level just a few kilometers away from the Costa del Sol.

The spring

La Ermitica, located in the Sierra de Mijas, is the southernmost mineral water spring in Europe; It is the last natural legacy of the old continent. The water hides more than 180 meters deep and remains at temperatures below 17 degrees throughout the year. The municipality of Casarabonela, located in the Sierra de las Nieves, is home to the other large spring of mineral water. This has the privilege of being the oldest spring in the province and of collecting rainwater from some of the highest peaks in Malaga such as Torrecilla Peak (1,919 meters).

The formation process Mineral water is a product created by nature that hardly undergoes alterations until it reaches the consumer. The water from the springs of Malaga begins its formation process with rain. The water that falls from the clouds towards the highest areas of the province gradually filters through the ground to travel a long way underground until it accumulates in a spring. During this journey through the subsoil, and once the water is stagnant in the underground spring, the liquid element acquires and is enriched by the properties of the minerals it finds in its path.


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