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Only Water - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Only Water - Producers

Only Water

Only water is a water bottling brand.

Only Water

From its underground origin in Sierra Mijas-Blanca (Málaga) to the container, Only Water goes through a modern three-phase filtration system: osmotic pressure filtration, remineralization and microfiltration, which eliminates any impurity and provides a table of optimal minerals and a balanced Ph, resulting in water of maximum quality and guarantee.

The packaging

Only Water contributes to the environment by reducing the consumption of non-sustainable materials by 80%.

Bet on a sustainable alternative

Reaching 100% Plastic Free.

More Sustainable. More Recyclable.

50% less carbon footprint.

Colder water for longer.


  • Water treated with ultraviolet light and packaged in Tetra Pak.
Camino de Araceli, nave 4, torre 6, buzón nº 168 - 29130
Alhaurín de la Torre
Bottle of water
Bottles of water
Bottle of water
Bottle of water
Bottle of water
Bottle of water
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