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Chips - Olives, dried fruits and snacks - Sabor a Málaga

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Chips - Olives, dried fruits and snacks

Crispy and salty appetizer made with the best of the garden.

Malaga chips are a crunchy, salty, and flavorful snack. They are also one of the most addictive products for the palate. You won't be able to eat just one. In the face of fierce competition from large international brands, producers in the province survive who continue to make this snack as in the past: with love and in an artisanal way. Malaga fries are made from a selection of the best products from the garden. Only the highest quality potatoes pass the sieve to become chips.

One of the keys is the choice of oil. In this case, the potato is fried with high oleic sunflower oil, which preserves better than conventional sunflower oil and, in addition, has a high omega 9 index. In some cases, olive oil is also used to fry the slices. . The level of salt is the other factor that gives each potato the appropriate flavor. Careful preparation The process of making Malaga French fries is carried out taking care of every detail. First of all, a selection of the best potatoes is made. The goal is for all the potatoes to be a similar size and regular shape. The next step is peeling. It is done with an automatic peeler, but later they are checked one by one in case there is any piece of skin or dirt left. Once peeled, the potatoes go through the slicer. To do this, a calibrated machine is used that makes all the slices the same size and thickness to achieve a homogeneous fry. It should be noted that the process of frying the potatoes is key: all of them must have the same texture and be equally crispy.

Most manufacturers use a bowl (metal container) for this step. Finally it is time to salt and cool. Other flavors The fried potato made with sunflower oil and salt is the usual flavor in Malaga French fries. However, there are other varieties with different characteristics. One of the most common is fried potatoes with salt and parsley, made with small pieces of this plant that give it a special aroma. But this flavor is not the only one: you can also find French fries with onion, ham, garlic or vinaigrette.


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