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Millán Chips - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Millán Chips - Producers

Millán Chips

Patatas Millán brings its best product to your home with the authentic taste of goodness.

From the family tradition experience, Patatas Millán offers its best product with the best and authentic flavour, made only with entirely natural and high quality raw materials.

They use the latest technology in their production and packing process in order to obtain a product that has had the same artisanal and traditional flavour for years.


Nuts : almonds, hazelnuts, cashewnuts, peanuts, chickpeas, toasted maize, corn, walnuts, pinenuts, sunflower seeds, pistachios, cocktail mix, raisins, dried apricot. Weight: 1 kg, 200 gr, 100 gr (minimum of 30 gr).

Snacks : pork rinds, rings, bacon bites, curl crisps, straw crisps, round crisps, potato cones, cocktail mix, heart crisps, ghost crisps, star crisps, triangle crisps. Weight: 1 kg, 200 gr, 100 gr (minimun of 30 gr).

Crisps . Weight: 1 kg, 200 gr, 100 gr (minimum of 30 gr).

C/ D. Manuel Enríquez, 5 - 29320
<p>Employee peeling potatoes</p>
<p>Bags of chips</p>
<p>potato chips</p>
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