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Sugarcane Juice - Honeys, jams and preserves - Sabor a Málaga

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Sugarcane Juice - Honeys, jams and preserves

The most genuine sweetness of Axarquía

Until the 1980s, sugar cane was the most important crop in the province of Malaga. Popularly known as sweet cane, sugar was extracted from it in the classic sugar mills that existed in many parts of the Malaga coast. It was cultivated parallel to the Mediterranean coastal strip, which would ultimately mean its decline, since it clashed with urban planning interests. Finally, with entry into the European Union, cultivation was practically eradicated, except in some parts of Axarquía and the Tropical Coast of Granada. In addition to sugar, other derived products can be obtained from this plant, such as sugar cane juice and cane honey. The first is hardly used today, except in cases such as the production of a craft beer made in Axarquía. The second, however, is one of the best-known products of that eastern region. Today, cane honey is linked to the town of Frigiliana.

In fact, this molasses is still made there today, which is considered the only factory of this product in all of Europe. There they refuse to abandon the transformation of the sweetest cane, which was introduced more than a millennium ago by the Arabs. Recipes One of the reasons this product survives is its versatility in the kitchen. In fact, cane honey sneaks into the recipes of both Axarquía and the rest of the province of Málaga. In fact, it can be served to accompany cod omelettes, fried eggplants or even roast meats. It is also used to prepare a wide range of desserts (custards, yogurts) or even with soft drinks or smoothies. In home baking, it is used to make arropía, torrijas, sponge cakes, cakes, canned sweet potatoes, borachuelos, piñonate flower or cookies, among other pastry samples. Since 2013, Cane Honey Day has been celebrated in Frigiliana in April, a festival that aims to highlight this product even more. To this end, in addition to tastings of sugar cane juice and cane honey, there are guided tours of the mill and demonstrations of cutting and grinding the plant.


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