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Bull's Egg Tomato - Fruits and vegetables - Sabor a Málaga

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Bull's Egg Tomato - Fruits and vegetables

The bull's egg variety tomato is one of the highest quality products that come from the province of Malaga. It is especially abundant in the orchards of the Guadalhorce Valley and, more specifically, in the town of Coín, known especially for the fertility of its lands. This variety, which has a quality seal that differentiates it from other tomatoes, has very particular characteristics. Thus, as its own name seems to show, it is usually large in size. In fact, it usually weighs between 300 and 600 grams, although sometimes it can even exceed a kilo.

It is a species with few seeds and a very fleshy heart. In fact, it is highly valued for its creamy and soft texture. In the mouth, it stands out for the perfect balance of its acidity and its sweetness. The collection of the bull's egg tomato in the Coín orchards is usually done first thing in the morning, since if it is done in the heat, simple contact in the morning can spoil it. To take advantage of all its organoleptic qualities, it must be harvested during veraison, that is, when the green and red colors are perceived in its fine and delicate skin. In this way, it can last several days without wearing off. Its fragility means, however, that it is only distributed in short channels. Being a variety very rich in water, the bull's egg Malaga tomato is ideal to consume directly in its natural state, in a salad with a little salt and a generous splash of extra virgin olive oil.

It can also be used to make gazpachos and other cold soups. It can also be used to make 'carpaccios'. The excellence of this variety of tomato has a lot to do with factors such as the care of the gardeners of the Guadalhorce Valley, although the richness of the soils is also essential, especially those of Coín, supplied with spring water from the nearby mountains. To all this we must add the climate of the region, which allows for a high quality harvest only in summer. In recent years, the uniqueness of this tomato has been vindicated with thematic events that revolve around it, such as gastronomic routes or auctions, in which, for a charitable purpose, bids are made for the highest quality box.

Did you know...

Some specimens of the bull's egg variety can weigh even more than a kilo.


More information
  • The bull's egg tomato variety has certain similarities with others such as the castellana or the ox heart, although in the Guadalhorce Valley they defend the differentiating characteristics of the one they have been cultivating for decades. It is a very fragile type of tomato, which was even on the verge of being forgotten. However, due to its flavor and texture, many families in the region continued the tradition of growing it for self-consumption. This has made it possible for it to not only survive today, but also have its seal of origin.

  • This variety of tomato has a large number of attributes that make it highly recommended. For example, among others, it has a high content of vitamin C (about 19 milligrams per 100 grams), which has a positive impact on many pathologies and serves to prevent many diseases. It also has antioxidant elements that serve to prevent cellular aging. In addition, as it is also rich in lycopene (3.2 milligrams per 100 grams), it is a great ally to combat cardiovascular problems and prevent cancer.


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