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Avocados and Guacamole - Fruits and vegetables - Sabor a Málaga

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Avocados and Guacamole - Fruits and vegetables

Avocados and Guacamole

The avocado is a subtropical fruit that has managed to perpetuate itself in the territory of Malaga in recent decades. Although there are some important producing farms in areas such as the Guadalhorce Valley and the Sierra de las Nieves, the highest concentration of avocados is found in the Axarquía region, especially on its coastal strip. In municipal terms such as Vélez-Málaga, Iznate, Algarrobo, Nerja or Torrox, they have become one of the most important agricultural products in Andalusia in recent years. In fact, more than 6,000 hectares are dedicated to its cultivation, producing around 60 million kilos of avocados each year. Varieties Although there are about 250 varieties of avocado in the world, in the eastern area of ​​the province of Malaga, the one that has adapted best is the Hass.

This type of avocado is known as 'the fruit of the heart'. And not only because it resembles the organ but also because it is very beneficial for health. Its consumption will serve to reduce cholesterol and protect the cardio-circulatory system. This variety turns from green to dark purple (almost black) when it matures. It has hard, thick and rough skin. Its pulp is yellowish-green, with a flavor reminiscent of dried fruits. The Hass type avocado is also characterized by being smaller in size, but with a higher proportion of pulp. Its harvest goes from winter to spring. Other avocado species that occur with some frequency are Bacon and Reed. The first has a thick dark green skin and attracts attention for being a narrow and elongated variety. It is very rich in fats and is preserved longer than other types of this tropical fruit. Collection takes place between November and February. For its part, the Reed is especially differentiated by being a large fruit and rounder than other varieties. The color of its skin is a striking bright green, while the pulp gives off a softer aroma than other avocados sold from the province of Malaga. Its harvest takes place from approximately April to July. Nowadays there are important avocado marketing companies in the Axarquía region, which distribute this product fresh, although in some cases they also do so with the product made in the form of guacamole. In this way, this region of Malaga has become the main supplier area of ​​avocados for Europe.

Did you know...

The avocado was introduced almost half a century ago by the La Mayora Experimental Station, belonging to the Higher Council for Scientific Research.


More information
  • Currently, the area where the largest quantity of this crop is produced is Axarquía. The strip closest to the coast stands out especially, with a climate more conducive to the varieties grown there. This is the case of the municipalities of Benamargosa, Benamocarra or Vélez-Málaga, which are located around the Vélez River valley. To these towns we must also add other important ones such as Rincón de la Victoria, Iznate, Frigiliana or Nerja, among others. Outside of Axarquía, this product can also be found in Istán and in some towns in the Guadalhorce valley.

  • It was introduced as a crop from the Experimental Station of Finca La Mayora, located in Vélez-Málaga in the 1970s. In this almost half century it has not only become an important source of income for hundreds of farmers but also has modified the landscape of the area. Today this can be seen in the so-called Ruta del Sol y del Aguacate, a very consolidated Axarchic itinerary.

  • Originally from South America, it is considered one of the best foods in the world for its antioxidant values. In addition, it does not contain saturated fat and provides monosaturated fat to the body. The high content of oleic acid combined with monosaturated fats helps regulate our cholesterol level. It also has an interesting dermatological use, which is achieved through the production of avocado oils.

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