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Marenga-style octopus - Recipes - Sabor a Málaga

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Marenga-style octopus - Recipes

Marenga-style octopus

The popularity of the Costa del Sol is known for its climate and winds that favor certain processes, such as drying fish and octopods. The drying rooms were so well known that cities like Malaga named their oldest neighborhood El Perchel, due to the tradition of its inhabitants of drying fish on reeds as a hanger. On these hangers we could find, among others, dried octopus. Carmen Mata, author of the book Popular Marbella Cooking Yesterday and Today , tells us how to prepare dried octopus seasoned with a marenga dressing , a traditional recipe from the Malaga province.

First, the octopus is cooked and, once cooled, it is beaten a little, being careful not to break the legs. Once cooled, cut it into squares to taste.

To make the marenga sauce, place a couple of cloves of garlic, coarse salt, and crush in a mortar. The garlic must be completely crushed so that no pieces appear and it provides all its flavor. Add the pepper cut into very small pieces and mash again. The same process is followed with the tomato and the soaked and drained bread crumbs. Finally, while stirring, it is emulsified with olive oil and vinegar.

Now, all that remains is to add the mash over the octopus, stir and let it rest so that all the flavors take in.

  • ¼ kg of green peppers
  • ½ kg of tomato
  • ½ kg of cooked octopus
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Soaked bread
  • 50 ml of oil
  • Salt
  • 1 tablespoon of Jerez vinegar


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