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Anchovy casserole - Recipes - Sabor a Málaga

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Anchovy casserole - Recipes

Anchovy casserole

Anchovies with lemon are one of the typical Malaga dishes that we usually enjoy in beach bars or bars specializing in fried foods. It's not just about frying anchovies and adding a little lemon. Toñi Sánchez teaches us how to prepare this marengo dish, from the ancient fishermen, easy, fast, simple and delicious. You'll need a good loaf of bread to dip in the sauce!

First, we clean the anchovies by removing the head, viscera and central spine. We wash them well, placing them under the tap to release all the blood.

Chop the garlic into very small pieces and squeeze the juice out of the lemons. In a frying pan or casserole, without heating, we pour oil and place the anchovies as aesthetically as possible, practically mounting one on top of the other. We add the garlic and a pinch of salt, to taste.

Once we have it prepared, it is time to put it on the heat, we leave it for a few minutes and add the lemon juice and parsley. We move it continuously so that the oil and lemon mix.

The pan is set aside to rest a little and the lemon anchovy casserole is ready.

  • Anchovies
  • Garlic
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Oil
  • Parsley
  • Salt


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