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Adorin Butcher shop 'El Sartenero' - Purchases - Sabor a Málaga

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Adorin Butcher shop 'El Sartenero' - Purchases

Adorin Butcher shop 'El Sartenero'

Carnicería Adorín is located in Canillas de Aceituno, a village near the slope of La Maroma, a mountain that is 2.068 metres high. This company produces artisanal meat products using family recipes.

Antonio Hidalgo, known as 'El Sartenero', opened this establishment 45 years ago to become a butcher. He learnt this profession with his uncle, who took them to pig slaughters, and preparing meat in his mother's house. Now his wife and two children, Antonio Manuel and Adoración Hidalgo, work with him in the butcher's.

He distributes many products such as traditional chorizo, spicy and chicken chorizo, loin in lard, salchichón from Málaga or chicharrones. But his most popular product is the canillera black pudding, made with onions. This product is typical from Canillas de Aceituno.

Plaza de la Constitución 5 - 29716
Canillas de Aceituno
<p>Chicken skewer</p>
<p>black pudding</p>


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