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Adorín butcher shop 'El Sartenero' - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Adorín butcher shop 'El Sartenero' - Producers

Adorín butcher shop 'El Sartenero'

Carnicería Adorín “El Sartenero” is a small family business, located in the municipality of Canillas de Aceituno, in the Axarquía region. Specialized in the artisanal production of chorizos, Malaga-style sausages, pork loin in Iberian lard or cracklings, among other typical products of the area. But, without a doubt, the star sausage in this butcher shop is the canillera blood sausage, made with onion, and widely known for its unique and unmistakable flavor, the result of careful work and a tradition that the Hidalgo Marín family has been able to maintain for years. more than 60 years.

Its main point of sale is located in a small establishment, in the heart of the town, in the Plaza de la Constitución. There we are served by the daughter of its founder, Adoración Hidalgo, the only one who is already in charge of the business and who tells us about her day-to-day life, dedicated to “making the sausages, serving customers and preparing orders” to supply others. small shops, bars and restaurants in the area. Currently, they produce around 100 kilos of blood sausages and another 40 kilos of chorizos per week. All of its products are made in-house, with “high-quality raw materials, supplied by nearby suppliers,” ensuring adequate health control and traceability.



  • Black pudding
  • Traditional, spicy, and chicken chorizos
  • Pork loin in Iberian butter
  • Malaga style sausages
  • Chicharrones
Plaza de la Constitución, 5 - 29716
Canillas de Aceituno
<p>black pudding</p>
<p>Chicken skewer</p>
'El Sartenero'
Carnicería Adorín 'El Sartenero'
Carnicería Adorín 'El Sartenero'

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