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Casa Eladio Restaurant - Restaurants - Sabor a Málaga

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Casa Eladio Restaurant - Restaurants

Casa Eladio Restaurant

A cuisine rooted in the land with over 50 years of history.

Restaurant Casa Eladio is a family business founded in 1965 by Eladio Cabello Serrano, later succeeded by his son José Eladio Cabello Santaella. It began as an eatery serving meals to over 300 people daily and gradually evolved into a restaurant focused on traditional cuisine.

In 2017, the third generation of the family took on the challenge. After training at the La Cónsula Hospitality School in Málaga with top professionals and working for several years in the kitchens of renowned Spanish chefs such as Daniel López of the Kokotxa Restaurant in Donosti, they reopened a renewed Casa Eladio on April 8, 2017.

The updated Casa Eladio offers cuisine deeply rooted in our land, drawing from Andalusian recipes and local products to create a modernized and refreshed traditional cuisine.

Their business philosophy emphasizes close collaboration with producers, understanding the product, its varieties, and its seasons. In this way, Casa Eladio becomes a journey through our Malagueñan and Andalusian gastronomy, showcasing its products and traditions.

Casa Eladio expresses its commitment to gastronomic excellence in every dish.


Spanish and English

Calle Virgen de los Dolores, 6 - 29601
Casa Eladio Restaurant
Casa Eladio Restaurant -dishes
Casa Eladio Restaurant - dishes
Casa Eladio Restaurant's dishes
Casa Eladio Restaurant's dishes
Casa Eladio Restaurant's dishes
Casa Eladio Restaurant's dishes
Casa Eladio Restaurant's dishes
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