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Cándida Restaurant - Restaurants - Sabor a Málaga

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Cándida Restaurant - Restaurants

Cándida Restaurant

An author´s cuisine inspired by local products

Cándida Restaurant is a family-owned business located in the municipality of Alameda, in the province of Malaga. It's a gastronomic landmark where its owner, Javier Capitán, advocates for an author's cuisine inspired by local products.

A legacy inspired by Cándida herself, the mother of the current owner, where careful customer service and a constant spirit of innovation prevail, reflecting the history of success that accompanies Restaurant Cándida since its foundation. The only philosophy that guides the daily work objective of the Cándida team is to do what no one else does, to offer what no establishment has offered before.

All of this is made possible by the use of local products, ensuring maximum freshness and quality in their dishes. Making the protagonists of their author's cuisine the raw materials used.

A differentiating characteristic of Cándida is the use and respect for seasonal resources, changing their menus according to the time of year.


Products used by Cándida Restaurant in its dishes:

In the menu of Cándida you can discover many of tastes, flavors and textures of Malaga, such as aloreña olives from Aceitunas Bravo, sausages from Peláez, sea products from SANAMAR, our representative Malaga suckling goat coming from Caprisur´s livestock, olive oil from Cortijo el Solano, Malaga salami from Prolongo, roll of goat cheese from local cheese shops as well as numerous ingredients from our orchards where Bull Egg tomato, muscatel raisins, avocado or almonds enrich each dish.


English and French

carretera de Alameda Mollina Km 1,5 - 29530
Cándida Restaurant, tapa of bull egg tomato salad
Avocado salad, Cándida Restaurant
Restaurante Cándida
Cándida Restaurant, meat dish paired with DO Sierras de Malaga wine
Cándida Restaurant, Malaga winery
Restaurante Cándida
Restaurante Cándida
Cándida Restaurant
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