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Bodeguita Lo Bueno del Mar - Restaurants - Sabor a Málaga

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Bodeguita Lo Bueno del Mar - Restaurants

Bodeguita Lo Bueno del Mar

Bodeguita Lo Bueno del Mar is a catering company located in the heart of Malaga and specialized in fresh seafood products, such as prawns, fine shells, mussels, shellfish, and shrimps. An attractive gastronomic offer that can be enjoyed with a wide selection of wines with the Málaga and Sierras de Málaga designation of origin.


The wine list includes references from:

Antonio Muñoz Cabrera Winery. Dimobe SL : Málaga Pedro Wine, Málaga Lágrima Wine, Aged Dry Wine, Vermouth Wine, Superior Moscatel Wine, Pajarete Wine, El Lagar de Cabrera SYRAH

From Bodegas Málaga Virgen : Pernales Blanco Chardonnay, Moscatel Iberia

Likewise, its fish and seafood can be enjoyed with beers with Malaga roots such as Cervezas San Miguel and Cervezas Victoria.

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