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Bodega El Pimpi - Restaurants - Sabor a Málaga

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Bodega El Pimpi - Restaurants

Bodega El Pimpi

El Pimpi was founded in 1971 and it is located in an old house from the XVIII century. It is one of the oldest and most traditional wineries in Málaga, where you can enjoy local gastronomy and wines, and tradition and culture from the south of Spain.


Sabor a Málaga restaurant:  recipes using local seasonal products: oxheart tomato symphony, courgette carpaccio with gazpacho sorbet, aubergines, candied artichokes (seasonal)

Specialised in: ensalada malagueña, gazpacho with side dish,  salmorejo with ham and  quail egg, cheese platter, fried fish from Málaga, olive oil orange ice cream and almond dessert.

D.O. Málaga y Sierras de Málaga wines of the following brands: Flor de Floris (Dry muscatel), Victoria Nº2 y Esencia Nº4 (bodega Jorge Ordóñez) Tagús Roble, Apasos Robles, Encina del Inglés, Botani.


Spanish, English

Calle Granada, 62, C.P 29015 Málaga - 29015
Pimpi Winery
Pimpi Winery
Pimpi Winery
Pimpi Winery
Pimpi Winery
Pimpi Winery
Pimpi Winery
Pimpi Winery
Pimpi Winery
Pimpi Winery
Pimpi Winery
Pimpi Winery
<p>Terrace of El Pimpi winery</p>
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