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Asador Don Joaquín - Restaurants - Sabor a Málaga

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Asador Don Joaquín - Restaurants

Asador Don Joaquín

Asador Don Joaquín is a singular establishment and between its stoves and its wood-fired oven, a careful selection of dishes is prepared that combine seasonal products from the garden with the juiciest of meats, authentic suckling lamb from Castilla y León, and suckling pig in the purest Segovian style, without forgetting the Malaga suckling goat. The flavors are enveloped by the rustic environment, with warm materials and contemporary decoration, of its restaurant.

Included in the Guide of the Association of Lechazo Grills of Castilla y León, Don Joaquín is certified as one of the few establishments recognized as such in all of Andalusia by this important institution, as well as by the Segovian suckling pig and Galician veal.

Ctra. Álora-Pizarra, km. 2,5 - 29560
Fresh meat
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