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Alejandra Catering - Restaurants - Sabor a Málaga

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Alejandra Catering - Restaurants

Alejandra Catering

Details that make the difference in your events

Alejandra Catering offers its customers a concept of careful and personalised cuisine. Making use of the best local and zero kilometre raw materials, as well as Spanish and international creating a fusion between the traditional and the avant-garde. A different concept of cuisine, innovating with raw materials of the highest quality to offer an impeccable service. Thanks to the creativity and professionalism of their work they have received countless awards and congratulations, becoming one of the first catering companies in Malaga to obtain the ISO9001:2008.

Alejandra Catering are specialists in dreams. They listen attentively to the needs of their clients and advise them from their extensive experience to celebrate an unforgettable day.

They also have different spaces and properties where you can celebrate your event, where the Alejandra Catering team will orchestrate a careful decoration according to the needs of each client, taking care of every detail to make a difference and exceed expectations, both in personal and professional events. Their high level of specialisation and meticulous work are their guarantee, generating great trust and loyalty among their clients.


They offer in their menu Sabor a Málaga dishes such as:

  • Shot of porra antequerana with Malaga mango jam, tomato jelly and crunchy ham.
  • Crunchy breadcrumbs with orange and "aloreñas" (a local spicy sauce)
  • Malaga salami tartar with goat's cheese from Ronda
  • Blinis of the Montes de Málaga
  • Falso Rocher of black pudding and Ronda goat's cheese
  • Malaga salad and millefeuille of three textures (orange, potato and cod)
  • Iberian sirloin steak with sweet wine sauce, potato gratin and tomato with cumin
  • Caramelised apple tart with honey and a touch of vanilla ice-cream
  • Range of products of the Sabor a Málaga brand:
  • Cárnicas el Perdiguero
  • Andres Ramos Sausages
  • Cárnicas Molino Calderón
  • Cárnicas Hermanos Jiménez Godoy Meat Products
  • Moreno Plaza
  • Embutidos Gamarro, S.L.
  • Bravoliva Oil, S.L.
  • Chivo de Canillas
  • Mercafrutas
  • Salvador Bakery Confectionery
  • King Goat
  • Malaga Salami Prolongo
  • Malaga Mango Jam
  • Roldán Olives
  • Alsur Products
  • Baron de Rivero Verdejo
  • Baron de Rivero Chardonnay
  • Vivillo
  • Málaga Vírgen