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Alabardero Catering - Restaurants - Sabor a Málaga

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Alabardero Catering - Restaurants

Alabardero Catering

Alabardero Catering & Experiences belongs to Grupo Lezama, a renowned company in the catering and training sector that currently has more than 500 employees, 10 restaurants, three catering schools and an online catering school.

Alabardero Catering is committed to the search for flavour and quality products, maintaining close collaboration with the Designations of Origin, as well as with other Gastronomy Associations, in order to offer its customers the best local and zero kilometre raw materials.

The wide range of possibilities offered by its service creates a spectacular setting: different decorative styles, live cooking corners, stands and buffets with the latest culinary trends, as well as cocktail bars.


  • Mediterranean contemporary cuisne.
  • Bread with mango jam and extra virgin olive oil Sabor a Málaga buffet.
  • Goat cheese buffet.
  • Sabor a Málaga pickle platter buffet.
  • Sabor a Málaga bread and pastries.
Urb. Castiglione s/n. - 29670
<p>Presentation dish</p>
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