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Aire Gastrobar - Restaurants - Sabor a Málaga

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Aire Gastrobar - Restaurants

Aire Gastrobar

Exceptional and creative Mediterranean cuisine

Some places are created to have a good time, with no rush and to enjoy every minute of tasting a dish or a glass of wine. Aire Gastrobar is one of these places: a restaurant managed by Pepo Frade and María Schaller. This young couple has been able to give their concept of harmony and aesthetics to everything that comes out of the kitchen. He gives his cooking experience. She gives her creativity in decorating every dish. They both work side by side and complement each other perfectly, hoping to give meaning to their clients' senses.

Aire Gastrobar is located in Avenida de Príes 16 (29016) Málaga, in a stately home that has been refurnished to create an elegant and minimalist environment.

Seafood, vegetables, appetizers, salads, daily suggestions and fun and heavy desserts to give a lunch or a dinner the perfect ending.

Pepo Frade cooks Mediterranean recipes with creative notes using local products that he reinterprets over and over again and turns dishes from Málaga into new different creations. His work in the kitchen is very artisanal and almost everything served in this restaurant has been cooked by him. No packagings and no pre-cooked products. Everything is born and made in his kitchen.


  • Orange casserole
  • Smoked cod
  • Salmon roe
  • Olive powder
  • Citrus marinated anchovies with mango white garlic
  • Baby squid in yellow
  •  Red mullet, asparagus and Guadalhorce citrus emulsion
  •  Blood sausage from Benaoján
  •  False pionono (sponge cake, chorizo, cream cheese, cane honey and cured egg yolk).
  • Malaga cheese cake
  • Biznaga malagueña (white chocolate, mango, Malaga wine and crunchy almonds).
Av. Príes, 16 CP 29016 Málaga - 29016
<p>Fresh fish</p>
<p>Aire Gastrobar dish</p>
<p>Aire Gastrobar dish</p>
<p>White cheese</p>
<p>Aire Gastrobar dish</p>
<p>Mediterranean Tapa at Aire Gastrobar</p>
<p>Mediterranean tapa</p>
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