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Vetas Winery - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Vetas Winery - Producers

Vetas Winery

In the heart of the Serranía de Ronda, overlooking the Arriate Valley. Harmony between man and nature.

Bodega Vetas is a small winery located in Arriate with a 2 hectare vineyard. They breed two high quality red wines, Vetas Selección and Vetas Petit Verdot, with the latter being recognized as one of the best petit verdot wines in Spain. These are aging wines with a lot of persolanity, endorsed by numerous national and international awards.

For booking a visit, contact by email or by whatsapp.


  • Vetas Petit Verdot 
  • Vetas Selección
  • Vetas Junior
Camino Nador "El Baco" - 29350
<p>cork stopper of wine Vetas</p>
<p>Purple grape bunches Bodega Vetas</p>
<p>Viticulture work in vineyards Bodega Vetas</p>
<p>Bodega Vetas wines</p>
<p>Bodegas Vetas wines</p>
<p>Vetas Winery Terrace</p>
<p>Vetas Winery Terrace</p>
<p>Bodegas Vetas wines</p>
<p>Bodegas Vetas wines</p>
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