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Niño de la Salina Winery - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Niño de la Salina Winery - Producers

Niño de la Salina Winery

The beginning of this project was to continue the dream of ‘Andresito, el Niño de la Salina’. At that time, in the postwar years, the need and the scarce resources made it difficult to breed complex wine. It was produced with rudimentary procedures and its consumption was exclusive for the family, turning into an annual traditionl.

More than a decade ago, his sons Francisco and Andrés Fontalba decided to exploit this wine production —together with other farming activities they were already making. The initiative has turned little by little into a family company known as Bodega Niño de la Salina. The first productions gave birth to a young red wine that paid tribute to Andresito, the goal of the family. Although it may seem as a weird marketing campaign, their idea was to keep their roots from Andalucía and, of course, from their family; with this they were able to show a real story that moved everyone and has turned into a big success.

Years later, what it started as a small family project designed to fulfil a dream, it has not only made it true but also move forward with big ideas of future and following at all causes their principles. The development of the company has made their products known by their quality in their region and boost them both in Spain and abroad. It is an entrepreneurial project and it has created employment.

Their objective is to breed good wine, with excellent characteristics, traditional and organic procedures and make it available to every one. And, of cpourse, under the designation of origin Málaga and Sierras de Málaga, quality guarantee. Cheers!


Andresito Tinto Joven

Dry red wine made out of a coupage of one the Carbenet Sauvignon and Merlot varieties, with typical and distintive characteristics related to terroir.

Andresito Moscatel

White sweet wine made out of the Pedro Ximénez grape dried in the sun with traditional methods that produce transformation and concentration of products that characterise this wine.

Al Fresco Blanco

Dry white wine made with the Sauvignon Blanc variety, a world-wide known variety for its good organoleptic characteristics. It is grown in Teba, a mountainous area in the north mountain range of Málaga and whose geography gives the wine some typical characteristics related to the terroir of the area.

Al Fresco Rosado

Dry rosé wine breed from a grape of the Garnacha grape, grown near Almargen. It is elaborated with fermentative maceration in a lower than 10ºC temperatura and fermented in low temperatures to keep all the properties of the grape intact.

Al Fresco Tinto Dulce

Naturally sweet red wine breed with grapes of the Syrah variety. The grape is left to over mature in the stock until it reaches an optimum maturity, necessary to obtain a wine that is sweet and highly aromatic —both in intensity and complexity.

Fontalba & Capote Tinto Joven

Dry red wine made with severall varieties: tempranillo, merlot and Syrah; grown in Teba, in the north mountain range of Málaga, whose geography gives the wine some typical characteristics related to the terroir of the area.

Fontalba & Capote Blanco

Dry white wine made with typical varieties from Málaga: Morisco Muscatel, Muscat of Alexandria, Pedro Ximénez and Doradilla, grown near Almargen (Málaga). They are collected by hand and grown in boxes in order to prevent the damage of the grape. Fermentation takes place in low temperature.

Fontalbo & Capote Rosado

Dry red wine breed with the Cabernet Sauvignon variety, from the area in the north mountain range of Málaga and whose geography gives the wine some typical characteristics related to the terroir of the area.

Fontalba & Capote Bag in box – Tinto – 5 litres

Dry red wine made with Tempranillo, Merlot and Syrah variety grown in Teba, an area in the north mountain change of Málaga and whose geography gives the wine some typical characteristics related to the terroir of the area.

Fontalba & Capote Bag in box – Blaco – 5 litres

Dry white wine breed with the Sauvignon Blanc variety, grown near Almargen (Málaga). They are collected by hand and grown in boxes in order to prevent the damage of the grape. Fermentation takes place in low temperature (<20ºC) in order to boost the intensity of the grapes’ aromas.


Spanish, English and Dutch

Calle Corredera 53 - 29330
Varieties of Andresito red and white wines
Glass of Andresito red wine with aperitif
Workers and family of Bodega Niño de la Salina
purple grape
purple grape collection
Variety of wines: rosé, white and red wines
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