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Morosanto Winery - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Morosanto Winery - Producers

Morosanto Winery

Bodegas Morosanto is a winery where active tourism, history and wine tourism come together in Ronda, you can enjoy and learn from the riches of Bodegas Morosanto. Walk among the vines, learning the evolution of the grape year after year, visit the beautiful house where the grapes are sheltered, to turn them into the best wines, and learn their process, visiting the barrel room, where bohemia gives rise to parenting. Finish in the tasting room where art will elevate your senses even more, and after tasting notions, we will taste “at least” three wines.


  • Morosanto Wines
  • Pike
  • Lunera
  • White Morosanto
  • Rosé Morosanto
  • The Good Point Morosanto
C/ Morosanto S/N. - 29400
shelf that holds the wines
Bunch of purple grapes

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