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Lunares de Ronda Winery - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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Lunares de Ronda Winery - Producers

Lunares de Ronda Winery

Family company founded in 2003 that elaborates artisanal wines. They currently breed a white wine, one rosé and two red wines, all of small production, distributing aproximately 30.000 bottles every year.


Lunares Blanco, 75 cl glass bottle

Lunares Rosado, 75 cl glass bottle

Lunares Tinto, 75 cl glass bottle

Altocielo, 75 cl glass bottle

All of their wines are packed in 6 bottle boxes and with the label ‘Designation of Origin Sierras de Málaga’


Spanish, English

Carretera Ronda-El Burgo, Km 1,2 - 29400
Variety of bottles of red wine ALTOCIELO
Red wine
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