Lascas de Pedernal Winery
Although the brand “Lascas de Pedernal” has been created recently, it was more than 30 years ago when the family Párraga started to passionately elaborate their own wines, who, in the beginning, were just for family and friends consumption but, five years ago, have persued their breeding personally and created a 19 product catalogue with five different categories: Vino Tranquilo Seco, Vino Tranquilo Naturalmente Dulce, Vino Tranquilo Dulce, Espumosos, Bebidas Aromatizadas Dulce y Bebidas Fermentadas Tranquila Dulce.
Lorenzo Párraga, creator and president of this innovaitve project, together with this brother Carlos Párrage in the management of the winery, and his technical staff, works every day to develop the extreme quality of their products, to make them shine because of their excelency and, at the same time, be known for their elegant and unmistakable personality.
Vino Tranquilo Seco:
Petit Verdot 12M
Petit Verdot 15M
Tempranillo 12M
Tempranillo 15M
Seco Moscatel 3M
Vino Tranquilo Naturalmente Dulce:
Tinto Dulce Syrah 3M
Tinto Dulce Syrah 12M
Natural Sweet Moscatel 3M
Natural Sweet Moscatel 12M
Espumoso Rossé
Espumoso Moscatel
Bebida Aromatizada Dulce:
Dulce Fresa
Dulce Pomelo
Dulce Limón
Dulce Naranja
Bebida Fermentada Tranquila Dulcemente:
Dulcemente Fresa
Dulcemente Granada
Dulcemente Limón
Dulcemente Mandarina
Maridaje tasting
They organize Maridaje tasting in the winery, where the colecction of their wines can be tasted, together with the best gastronomical products of Sabor a Málaga.
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