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La Melonera Winery - Producers - Sabor a Málaga

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La Melonera Winery - Producers

La Melonera Winery

The La Melonera land is located in the heart of Serranía de Ronda, in an incomparable environment, surrounded by ancient ilexes. The 10 hectare vineyard is organised into several smallholdings of barely an hectare, located in an impressive 190 hectare land 690-930 metres above sea level. All of that, together with the complexity of the lad, whose estructure vary depending on the exact location. Wine lovers value authenticity.

Andalucía is the door of the Mediterranean Sea, house of the wine, and this is an essential beverage fot its civilization, that have left until today a valious heritage of historical varieties from Andalucía, that is, a potential source of original flavours and aromas that give its wines an unique personality. To take the most out of the natural factors and the local grapes mean to have an exclusive care, from the vineyard where the grape will be grown, to its breeding. In order to do that, it is essential to invest in innovation, as they have been doing since 2005, focusing their workin carachterization and increasement of local varieties like Tintilla de Rota or Melonera, that are on the verge of extinction.


Payoya Negra. Tinto crianza 0.75 cl

Encina del Inglés. Tinto joven 0.75 cl

Encina del Inglés. Blanco joven 0.75 cl


Spanish, English

Paraje Los Frontones 86 - 29400
Bottles of red and white wines la Melonera La Encina del Inglés
Ham leg
Bottles of red and white wines la Melonera La Encina del Inglés in a bowl with ice
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